Monday, September 3, 2012

List of Dental Journals

This is a list of Dental journals ,some are free and some are not, but it will be surely helpful for you

1.           Annals and essence of dentistry  
4.           The orthodontic cyber journal
5.           Acta Odontológica Venezolana

6.           Angle Orthodontist
7.           Archives of Oral Biology
8.           Brazilian journal of oral sciences
9.           British Dental Journal
11.         Caries Research
13.         Clinical Oral Investigations
15.         CRANIO
16.         Current Orthodontic Journals
17.         Dental Advisor
18.         Dental Angle
19.         Dental Fax
20.         Dental Implant Summaries
21.         Dental Insights
22.         Dental Materials
23.         Dental World
24.         Dentevents
25.         Dentistry On-Line
26.         Dentistry99
27.         Dentistry online journal
28.         Egyptian Orthodontic Journal
32.         Global Dental News Journal
33.         Greek orthodontic journal
34.         Implant Dentistry
35.         Implant News and Views
41.         Journal of Dental Technology
42.         Journal of Dentistry
44.         Journal of Operative Dentistry
46.         Journal of Periodontology
47.         Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
51.         List of journals in dentistry
53.         Oral Oncology
56.         Orthodontic CYBERjournal
57.         Ortodoncia Española
58.         Orthodontic Cyber journal
59.         Pediatric Dentistry Journal
60.         The Pinnacle
63.         ZM-Online
64.         Index of Dental Journals 
65.         Electronic Journal

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